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ECOWRAP Revolutionizes Waste Management with Technology and Sustainable Solutions

ECOWRAP Transforms Waste Management with Technology and Sustainable Solutions

Since its inception in 2020, Jaipur based startup ECOWRAP has been at the forefront of India’s waste management revolution, addressing the critical problem of unsegregated waste.

Leveraging technology and artificial intelligence (AI), ECOWRAP is transforming how waste is collected, segregated, and recycled, with a firm focus on incentivizing sustainable practices at the source.

Unsegregated Waste and Its Impact

India generates millions of tons of waste annually, but a lack of proper segregation at the source severely hampers recycling efforts.

Traditional post-collection mechanical separation methods are often inadequate because the mixing of various waste types complicates and drives up the cost of processing, making it less efficient.

This results in valuable resources being lost, contributing to environmental degradation and the growing waste crisis.

ECOWRAP identified this gap in the system and set out to solve it by focusing on source segregation, a method that promotes separating waste at the point of disposal.

The platform incentivizes users by rewarding them for their efforts to segregate waste properly.

This model not only promotes sustainability but also shifts societal behavior towards viewing waste as a resource rather than a burden.

A Tech Driven Solution


ECOWRAP’s approach is unique in its reliance on technology to tackle the problem.

Their AI-powered rewards system tracks and rates waste segregation practices, rewarding users for proper disposal.

This gamification of waste management encourages participation and fosters a culture of environmental responsibility.

Additionally, ECOWRAP employs smart APIs for route optimization, ensuring efficient waste collection.

Coupled with data analytics, the platform is constantly improving its operations, making the collection process more sustainable and cost-effective.

Journey and Key Milestones

Founded by Angraj Swami, Ajay Buri, C. Kant Swami, and Manoj Sabu, ECOWRAP began as an ambitious project to address the urgent need for sustainable waste management in India.

Each co-founder brought their expertise to different aspects of the company: from execution and product development to reverse supply chain management and business development.

The team quickly built an impressive infrastructure, leading to significant impacts within just a few years:

  • Over 25,870 pickups conducted.
  • 1,690+ metric tons of scrap collected.
  • 3,110 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions saved.

ECOWRAP’s efforts have directly contributed to preserving over 8,450 trees, saving more than 4,00,650 kWh of energy, and reducing water usage by 1,010 lakh liters.

Impact and Partnerships

ECOWRAP’s vision of a waste-free future relies on strong partnerships and community engagement.

The startup has partnered with over 1,000 clients, including hotels, restaurants, educational institutions, and business organizations, helping them integrate sustainable waste practices into their daily operations.

One of ECOWRAP’s flagship initiatives is its partnership with Aditya Birla Group under the joint program EcoAdi.

This initiative focuses on recycling post-consumed aluminum foil, a critical yet often overlooked waste stream.

In collaboration with Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology and volunteers from schools and high-rise apartments, the project aims to engage 15,000 people to create an effective infrastructure for aluminum recycling.

The collected aluminum is reintegrated into the value chain, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and gasoline consumption.

A Zero-Dumping Society

With a clear mission to cultivate eco-conscious communities and promote a zero-dumping society, ECOWRAP continues to expand its reach.

The platform’s data-driven insights allow continuous refinement of its strategies, making waste management more accessible and effective.

ECOWRAP’s vision is to pioneer a future where waste is viewed as a valuable resource, and every individual contributes to sustainable practices.

As the company scales, it is not only addressing the waste problem but also educating and incentivizing society to participate in this critical cause.

With its innovative approach, ECOWRAP is serving as a transformative force in driving the shift toward a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable future.

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