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5 Powerful Ways Short Form Videos Are Revolutionizing India’s Festive Shopping Surge

5 Powerful Ways Short Form Videos Are Revolutionizing India's Festive Shopping Surge

As India’s festive season approaches, short form videos have emerged as a game changer in the country’s shopping landscape.

According to the “Short Form Big Impact: Festive Blueprint” report, which analyzed consumer trends on platforms like ShareChat and Moj, these bite sized videos are driving significant shifts in how Indians shop during festivals.

Here are five powerful ways in which short form videos are revolutionizing the festive shopping surge in India:

1. Capturing India’s Attention and Time

Short form videos have become a daily staple for 81% of Indians, with 49% spending more than 30 minutes watching them each day.

This form of content, which offers entertainment in quick, engaging bursts, is highly effective in retaining attention, especially among the 18-34 age group, who lead the festive shopping surge.

With India’s festive spirit heavily tied to digital engagement, these videos have become an essential platform for brands looking to connect with consumers during the season.

2. Driving Consumer Engagement & Purchase Decisions

Short form videos don’t just entertain, they influence. A remarkable 47% of Indian consumers report that these videos directly impact their purchase decisions.

The report shows a clear link between the time spent watching and the likelihood of making a purchase.

Those who watch short form content for more than 60 minutes a day are 59% more likely to make purchases based on what they see.

This surge in consumer action makes short form videos a vital tool for brands to reach consumers at crucial moments.

3. Regional Language Content Builds Trust

In a linguistically diverse country like India, content in regional languages resonates deeply with consumers.

The report highlights that 86% of Indians prefer content in their native languages, with 84% finding it more relatable and trustworthy.

During festivals, when emotions and cultural pride are at their peak, brands that communicate in local languages through short form videos are more likely to win over audiences.

Regional creators play a crucial role in bridging the gap between brands and consumers, with their content influencing 45% of purchase decisions.

4. Creators Amplifying Festive Engagement

Creators have become central to India’s festive digital experience. The report finds that 70% of creators increase their content production during the festive season, leading to a 79% boost in user engagement.

These creators collaborate extensively with brands, with 77% achieving their brand objectives through such partnerships.

The authenticity and relatability of creators make them powerful allies for brands looking to capture festive shoppers’ attention and trust.

5. Fostering an ‘Always On’ Festive Strategy

India’s festivals, celebrated year round, offer continuous opportunities for brands to engage with consumers.

The report emphasizes the importance of an ‘always on’ strategy, where brands maintain their visibility and relevance by aligning with key festive moments throughout the year.

Short form videos, with their frequent updates and high engagement rates, offer the perfect platform for this approach, ensuring brands remain top-of-mind for consumers beyond just peak festive seasons.

In conclusion, short-form videos are not only changing how Indians entertain themselves but are also reshaping the entire festive shopping experience.

Brands that harness the power of these videos, particularly in regional languages and through creator collaborations, stand to capture the hearts, and wallets, of festive shoppers in this digital age.

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